The Importance of Shock and Vibration Compliance Tests in Product Design
Shock and Vibration Compliance Testing is an essential part of product development for manufacturers across various industries. These tests ensure that products can withstand environmental stressors and meet necessary compliance standards, providing peace of mind to manufacturers and customers alike. At our ISO 17025 accredited laboratory SAC Singlas, our experienced team of engineers uses the latest testing equipment to conduct these tests efficiently and effectively. By partnering with us for your testing needs, you can ensure that your products meet compliance standards, are reliable, safe, and meet customer expectations.
Shock Response Spectrum (SRS)
The Shock Response Spectrum was first conceived by Dr. Maurice Biot and is described in his Ph.D. thesis published in 1932. Therefore, the SRS has been in existence for a long time. It has been used to characterize the frequency response of shock environments to estimate the maximum dynamic response of structures. The SRS is commonly used to characterize the frequency content of an acceleration time-history record. Shock response spectrum analysis is the maximum response of a series of single degree of freedom systems having the same damping to a given transient signal.