Easy strength and Fatigue Analysis with Simcenter

Strength and fatigue analysis made easier in simulations. Templates for fatigue analysis and their strength-only counterparts are relatively recent additions to Simcenter 3D. As a result, many engineers are unaware of them or the benefits that they can bring.

The strength analysis case provides static and fatigue strength analysis for any finite element set-ups created in Simcenter 3D. It is fully integrated into finite element workflows and fatigue workflows. You can use material data from a material database (inherited from finite element analysis) or directly in the analysis case.

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Calibration Services AscendTech Group Calibration Services AscendTech Group

Strain, An Important Aspect of Durability Analysis

Strain gauge can be briefly described as sensor that can measure the strain value (unitless) of structure that is being subjected to specific loading. Strain gauge works based on change of sensor element resistance (resistive based sensor). By using Wheatstone bridge, this resistance change will be converted to voltage and read by data acquisition system.

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