Advancements in Thermal Comfort Simulations for Vehicle Cabins

Thermal comfort within vehicle cabins is a critical aspect of automotive design, influencing both the user experience and the efficiency of climate control systems. Traditional methods of assessing and improving thermal comfort have been largely empirical, relying on extensive physical testing. However, advancements in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modeling, particularly through Siemens Simcenter STAR-CCM+, are revolutionizing this field. By providing detailed simulations that integrate human thermal responses, these technologies enable precise optimization of cabin environments for comfort and efficiency.

Understanding Thermal Comfort in Vehicle Cabins

Thermal comfort in vehicle cabins is determined by several factors, including air temperature, humidity, airflow, and radiation. The human body's response to these factors is complex, involving heat transfer through conduction, convection, radiation, and evaporation. Achieving a comfortable cabin environment thus requires a comprehensive understanding of these interactions and the ability to predict how changes in one aspect affect overall comfort.

Role of CFD Modeling

CFD modeling allows engineers to create detailed simulations of thermal environments, predicting how heat and air flow within a vehicle cabin. Siemens' Simcenter STAR-CCM+ is at the forefront of this technology, offering advanced tools for multiphysics simulations that include fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and thermoregulation.

Key Features of Simcenter STAR-CCM+

  1. Human Comfort Models: One of the standout features of Simcenter STAR-CCM+ is its integration of human comfort models, such as the Fiala model. This model simulates human thermal response by considering metabolic heat production, blood circulation, and heat exchange with the environment. It divides the body into segments (e.g., head, torso, limbs) and predicts skin temperatures for each segment, providing a detailed picture of thermal comfort.

  2. Comfort Indexes: The software incorporates several comfort indexes, including Dynamic Thermal Sensation (DTS) and Predicted Percentage Dissatisfied (PPD). DTS quantifies the thermal sensation on a scale from cold to hot, while PPD estimates the percentage of occupants likely to be dissatisfied with the thermal conditions. These indexes help engineers assess and compare different cabin designs and climate control strategies.

  3. Energy Efficiency: By optimizing the thermal management of the cabin, Simcenter STAR-CCM+ helps reduce the energy consumption of HVAC systems. This is particularly important for electric vehicles (EVs), where thermal management significantly impacts the driving range.

Applications in Automotive Design

Electric Vehicles

In EVs, managing thermal comfort without compromising range is a major challenge. Simcenter STAR-CCM+ enables engineers to simulate various scenarios and optimize HVAC systems to maintain comfort while minimizing energy usage. This includes evaluating the impact of different heating and cooling strategies, such as heat pumps or advanced air conditioning systems, and integrating these with the vehicle's thermal management system.

Interior Climate Control

CFD simulations help design efficient air distribution systems within the cabin. By analyzing airflow patterns, engineers can ensure even temperature distribution and avoid hotspots or drafts. This not only improves comfort but also enhances the effectiveness of the HVAC system, leading to faster temperature regulation and reduced energy consumption.

Material Selection and Layout

The choice of materials and their placement within the cabin also affects thermal comfort. Simcenter STAR-CCM+ allows for the simulation of different materials' thermal properties and their interaction with the cabin environment. For example, heated seats and steering wheels can be optimized to provide rapid and efficient warming, improving comfort in cold conditions without over-relying on the HVAC system.

Simcenter STAR-CCM+ optimizing the thermal management of an EV cabin-AscendTech

Case Study: Improving EV Cabin Comfort

In a recent project, engineers used Simcenter STAR-CCM+ to optimize the thermal management of an EV cabin. The simulations included the integration of the Fiala human comfort model to predict occupants' thermal sensation under various conditions. By testing different HVAC configurations and control strategies, they achieved a balance between comfort and energy efficiency. The optimized system reduced energy consumption by 15% while maintaining high comfort levels, demonstrating the effectiveness of CFD modeling in practical applications.


Advancements in CFD modeling, spearheaded by Siemens Simcenter STAR-CCM+, are transforming how automotive engineers approach thermal comfort in vehicle cabins. By providing detailed, accurate simulations of thermal environments and human responses, these tools enable the design of more comfortable and energy-efficient vehicles. As automotive technology continues to evolve, the role of CFD in optimizing cabin environments will only grow, offering new possibilities for enhancing the driving experience and improving vehicle efficiency.


  1. Siemens PLM Software. Thermal system simulation

  2. Siemens Digital Industries Software. Cabin Thermal Comfort for EV

  3. Ascend Tech. Thermal Cabin Comfort through CFD with Simcenter STAR-CCM+

  4. Siemens Software Blog. Thermal Cabin Comfort CFD

See How to Simulate Thermal Comfort Wizard: Single Occupant in a Cabin STAR CCM+

By leveraging these advanced simulation tools, automotive engineers can continue to push the boundaries of vehicle design, ensuring that future cars are not only efficient but also provide an unparalleled level of comfort to their occupants.

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